the  humanitarian  project  funding  membership  program
provided  by...

Have You Ever Wondered ?

How many lives could be changed if companies like Hulu, Pure Flix, Netflix, and others with millions of subscribers would give back a portion of their revenue to help support humanitarian causes and projects in the communities that supported their service?

with that in mind...

SeYah is launching a Family-Friendly TV Network to enhance its Humanitarian Project Funding Membership Program that puts people before profit by allocating its proceeds to fund Humanitarian causes and projects of Churches, Nonprofits, Humanitarian-minded individuals who will wisely use the funds at their discretion.


SeYah is NOT creating another Pure Flix or similar competing broadcasting network but rather a unique, one-of-a-kind platform that broadcasts educational, instructional, motivational, and inspirational content to enhance people's lives.  A TV Network that also generates awareness and humanitarian funding of those on the front lines and in the trenches meeting the humanitarian needs of people for FREE.


To provide a Humanitarian Funding Program that is safe, honest, and fair using Godly principles and ethics that will NOT harm, cause division, or bring reproach to any church or organization.  A Program that will generate an abundance of resources to help address the short and long-term problems of hunger, homelessness, drug and alcohol addiction, unwanted pregnancies, bullying, suicide, human trafficking, and many other issues by...
  • Providing multiple homeless shelters, feeding facilities, and mobile feeding and hygiene trucks.
  • Providing programs to get kids off the street and replace their Guns and Dope with Bibles and Hope.
  • Providing critical Godly, professional counseling and resourses adressing multiple topics and issues.
  • Provide safe houses for those trapped in domestic violence and those rescued from human trafficking.
  • Plus assistance for our veterans, active military, first responders, plus other worthy causes and projects.


The program was specifically designed for Churches and Nonprofits because of the amount of funding it produces. Not only can it fund their humanitarian outreaches, but can provide full and part-time incomes for their staff, members, volunteers, and supporters to help meet their needs as well.

built upon several biblical principles

  • Malachi 3:10 ‘‘bring ye all the Tithe into the store house, that there may be meat in my house.’’
  • Luke 14: 23 “Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
  • Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."
  • Isaiah 6:8. “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, here am I send me.”

the model

The program is not an MLM or Pyramid Scheme that focuses on making money for personal gain.  However, it does use the very same model that Jesus used when He chose His 12 disciples to help Him spread the Gospel and to do His works.  It is also the SAME model that is still being used today.   EXAMPLE:   You invite someone to your Church and they liked it so much that they began inviting others to visit your Church. Then, those new visitors who also liked it will begin inviting others to your Church, and before you know it... you have filled up a few pews just by inviting that one person.

the  program

  • Just like when Jesus fed the multitude using 5 loaves plus 2 fish, and when they they all ate as much as they wanted there were 12 baskets provisions leftover; the Program provides 12 Baskets of Humanitarian Funding.
  • The Baskets are filled with monthly contributions from participating members - creating a massive amount of Humanitarian Funding.
  • By design, every month the abundance funds are "fairly" distributed among the participating Members until all of the Baskets are emptied. The Baskets are then re-filled every month to provide ongoing Humanitarian Funding for the participating Members to use as they determine.

the  source of funding

Since Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, as a metaphor, the Humanitarian Project Funding Program is designed to be funded with a $30 monthly contribution.

Use of funds

** Out of each $30 contribution, $28 is allocated to fill the Baskets of Funding to be fairly dispursed amoung the participating humanitarian-minded members.
** $2 is allocated to cover the cost of the Program with ALL surplus funds used to support humanitarian projects, NOT TO ENRICH ANYONE'S POCKET.

What makes this program so  powerful ???

Hundreds, even thousands of Churches, Nonprofits and Humanitarian-minded individuals will be coming together in 1-mind and 1-accord, for 1-united, common purpose;  engaging tens, even hundreds of thousands of members contributing a small amount into the Program to generate a massive amount of Funding to help people.

the  funding structure and dispursment

humanitarian funding membership

To become an active Humanitarian Project Funding Member requires a $10 annual enrollment fee, plus a $30 monthly contribution into the Program.
 The Program is designed to provide the $30 monthly contributions out of the Humanitarian Funding a member receives after engaging 1 member.
Therefore, it should only require a one-time out of pocket contribution of $40 into the Program for a serious and committed member to participate.

membership benefits

For the $10 enrollment, members receive a customized replicated Website to promote the Program to others.
For the $30 monthly contribution into the Program, member receive:
-->  a Back Office to manage their Humanitarian Funding

--> access to SeYah's family-friendly TV Network
--> access to discount Travel and Dining
Plus, other benefits and offers 

to Participate in the Program...

AS A "CHURCH" IN THE HUMANITARIAN FUNDING MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM:  Contribute the $10 enrollment FEE plus the $30 contribution ($40) plus select your “Website Name” and you will receive a customized Website to introduce the Program to your staff, volunteers, congregation, and online supporters.  

Promote the PURPOSE of the Program, the Humanitarian reasons WHY your Church is participating in it, and encourage everyone of them to ENROLL into the Program through your “Website” so they can help fund the Church’s Humanitarian Outreaches, plus benefit from the Program themselves.

Everyone who enrolls into the Program through your “Website” will also receive their own customized website to introduce the Program to the people they know “outside” of the Church who will help meet the humanitarian needs of others including their OWN.

AS A "NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION" IN THE HUMANITARIAN FUNDING MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM:  Contribute the $10 enrollment FEE plus the $30 contribution ($40) plus select your “Website Name” and you will receive a customized Website to introduce the Program to your staff, volunteers, and online supporters.

Promote the PURPOSE of the Program, the Humanitarian reasons WHY your Organization is participating in it, and encourage everyone of them to ENROLL into the Program through your “Website” so they can help fund your Humanitarian Outreaches, plus benefit from the Program themselves !!!
Everyone who enrolls into the Program through your “Website” will also receive their own customized website to introduce the Program to the people they know who will help meet the humanitarian needs of others including their OWN.
AS A "FAITH-BASED BUSINESS" IN THE HUMANITARIAN FUNDING MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM:  Contribute the $10 enrollment FEE plus the $30 contribution ($40) plus select your “Website Name” and you will receive a customized Website to introduce the Program to your staff, employees, volunteers, etc.

Promote the PURPOSE of the Program, the Humanitarian reasons WHY your Business is participating in it, and encourage everyone of them to ENROLL into the Program through your “Website” so they can help fund your Humanitarian Outreaches, plus benefit from the Program themselves !!!
Everyone who enrolls into the Program through your “Website” will also receive their own customized website to introduce the Program to the people they know who will help meet the humanitarian needs of others including their OWN.

AS A "MEMBER" in the HUMANITARIAN FUNDING MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM:  Contribute the $10 enrollment FEE plus the $30 contribution ($40) and receive your customized “Website” to introduce the Program to the people you know who will be willing to help meet the humanitarian needs of others including YOUR OWN.

to Participate in the Program

Please CLICK on the "GOLD BUTTON" below.